(Last updated: 2014-06-14)


The text presented on this page includes all necessary information for the Terms & Conditions of using the services provided by index.conferencesites.eu. We have currently identified three different types of users: (a) anonymous visitors , from now on referred to as the Visitor, (b) anonymous contributors, from now on referred to as the Anonymous Contributor and (c) registered users, from now on referred to as the User. Usage of this website means that all Users, Visitors and Anonymous Contributors must agree and comply with the “Terms and Conditions” listed on this page, as well as read and agree with the information presented in the “Use of Cookies” and “Privacy Information” sections of this website. Conferences from now on referred to as Entries, listed on index.conferencesites.eu, from now on referred to as the Directory must also comply with these “Terms & Conditions”.


The Directory will display all Entries at least for the period from the day that they were initially accepted to appear in the Directory up until the starting or ending date of the particular Entry. This is true under the following conditions:

  • The Entry must comply with the “Terms & Conditions” presented on this page at all times during the period that it is listed in the Directory
  • The Entry does not affect or otherwise compromise the operation of the Directory
  • The Directory has not suspended the services provided (for more information please refer to the “Initiating-Suspending the services provided” section of this page)

In any other circumstance the Directory retains the right to:

  • Alter the Entry to comply with the “Terms & Conditions” in cases of erroneous or inaccurate information or in cases where the alterations will improve the information provided to all Visitors/Anonymous Contributors/Users.
  • Remove the Entry from its listings event if it has initially being approved to appear in its listings. Reasons that may cause this removal include but they are not limited to: (a) the content of the website provided during registration no longer complies with its original purpose, (b) the website is no longer available, (c) the content of the website has been reported to be fake/spam or otherwise inappropriate or (d) the content presented on the website has been reported to conflict with the law in any way.


At any case of a technical or other problem, of a specific User account the Directory retains the right to change the password of the User in order to regain access to the account or in order to solve any technical problem or presentation of information or in general solve any problem of the service provided towards this User. However if such a change occurs without the User been informed in advanced then the User should immediately contact the Directory in order to check the validity of the change and to make sure that it does not comprise an attack from a third party.

In addition Users are responsible for the proper use of their account and for properly logging off the system. If the User, by supplying the email/password to any third party, compromise the information presented in their Entries, or their Entries suffer unwanted changes or malfunctions the Directory cannot be held responsible.


The Directory retains the right to alter and/or temporarily or permanently suspend part or all of the services provided. If such a decision has been made the Directory retains the right to not accept any new Users/Entries. In any such case the Directory cannot be held responsible or liable for any business, financial or any other type of loss.


The Directory cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by negligence or by any malicious attempt by a third party. On the other hand, if the Directory comes across any case of miss-usage or improper operation, it should try to correct any problems as soon as possible and with minimum damage to its Visitors/Anonymous Contributors/Users.

Apart from that all services are provided “AS IS” to the Visitors/Anonymous Contributors/Users and with no guarantee for fully proper operation or availability of the service or for the content presented on the websites that are linked from the Entries listed on he Directory.

In addition the Directory cannot be held responsible in the following cases:

  • If for any reason, a Visitor/Anonymous Contributor/User suffers any damage due to outdated or invalid content.
  • If for any reason, there is loss of part or whole of the information published through the services of the Directory by a User.
  • If for any reason, copyright issues arise with Entries listed in the Directory.


The Directory retains the right to change the “Terms & Conditions” presented, by informing all Visitors/Anonymous Contributors/Users via the present page. Finally, the Directory retains the right to deny providing its services to Visitors/Anonymous Contributors/Users if not doing so would compromise its best interests.