
★★Publication Submitted papers will be reviewed by the conference technical committees, and all accepted papers will be included into Springer Book Series: Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. The book series now is abstracted and indexed by Scopus, ACM Digital Library, INSPEC, SCImago.

Call For Papers

★Call for papers★

* Learning Management Systems (LMS)

* Videos for Learning

* Simulation and Immersive Technologies

* Computer-Assisted Instruction

* Life-long learning

* Home schooling

* Differentiated learning

* Early Childhood Education

* Creativity and Design Thinking

* Education Practice Trends and Issues

* Service-Learning and Community Engagement

For details about topics, please visit:


1. Full paper(publication and presentation)

2. Abstract (presentation)

For full paper, please upload it to the Electronic Submission System.

For abstract, please send it to

More detail about submission, please visit:


Mrs. Yumiko



Tel: +86-137-3111-1131