★Call for paper★
Topic about:
Track 1 - Big Data Architecture and Systems
Big Data Algorithms, Applications and Services
Structured and Unstructured Data/Text/Web Mining
Big Data Architectures
Algorithms and Systems for Big Data Search
Track 2 -Data Encryption and Privacy Protection
Hardware and Software solutions for Big Data Searching, Storing and Management
Privacy and Security for Cloud and Big Data
Virtualization Technologies, Cloud Data Management and Storage, Cloud Resource Management and QoS
Big Data Analysis Encryption
Track 3 - Big Data Analysis and Computing
Big Data Mining and Analytics
Big Data Processing and Querying
Data Visualization and Visual Analytics
Evolutionary and Bio-inspired approaches for Big Data analysis
Track 4 - Big Data Science and Applications
Representation Formats for Multimedia Big Data
New domains and novel applications related to Big Data technologies
Scientific Applications of Big Data
Scalable computational intelligence tools
Track 5 - Data Security and Blockchain Application Technology
Blockchain based lightweight data structures for IoT data
Blockchain based IoT security solutions
Blockchain in cyber physical systems
For details about topics, please visit at: https://www.icbd.org/cfp.html
A. Full Paper (for Presentation and Publication)
Accepted full paper will be invited to give the oral presentation at the conference and be publsihed into conference proceedings.
B. Abstract (Presentation only)
Accepted abstract will be invited to give the oral presentation at the conference, the presentation will not be published.
For submission, please upload it to the Electronic Submission System (.pdf) :
Full paper template: https://www.icbd.org/IEEEtemplate-word.doc (doc.)
https://www.icbd.org/ieee-latex-conference-template.zip (latex.)
Official language is English in paper writing and presenting. Full paper should be at least full 4 pages and at most 10 pages under the format.
More detail about submission, please visit at https://www.icbd.org/guideline.html
Ms. Gretchen Liu (Conference Secretary)
E-mail: icbd_conf163.com
Tel: +86-182-1565-4293