
Art Meets Science at Centro Congressi Auditorium al Duomo- Firenze. The synergy of Arts and Humanities, presented in one unique event - Extended Scientific Sessions "The Magic of the Renaissance", part of the SWS International Scientific Conferences on Arts and Humanities. The SWS Florence ART “The Magic Of The Renaissance” is organized as an extended session of the International Scientific Conferences on ARTS and HUMANITIES (ISCAH) and aspires to provide a premier interdisciplinary platform for academicians and professionals with cross-disciplinary interests related to Modern Science, Ancient Science, Science and Art, and the magic of the Renaissance. The SWS Florence ART 2024 – The Magic of the Renaissance will be held in the beautiful AUDITORIUM AL DUOMO FIRENZE in Centro Congressi al Duomo Firenze in Florence, Italy.

Call For Papers

All accepted, after peer review papers, are published in the Conference Proceedings and yearly aresubmitted for evaluation and indexation by Clarivate Analytics/ProQuest, ELSEVIER products - SCOPUS,MendeleyandCOMPENDEX, CrossRef, SPRINGERNature,EBSCOHost,RSCI(RussianeLibrary-

РИНЦ), Google Scholar, CiteULike, British Library and many others. All the accepted papers receive aunique DOI number,neededforrecognitioninthe international scientific databases.

The topics the conference covers are Modern Science, Ancient Science, Science and Art, The Magic of theRenaissance,MichelangeloBuonarroti–Thepainful rapture ofArt

The Conferences include also accompanying events, such as performing arts (live dance performances,theater,andmusic, etc.) andvery interestingculturaltrips withhistoricvalue.