★Call for Papers★
Manufacturing and Service Systems
Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing
Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Business Strategies and Intelligence in Manufacturing and Services
Knowledge, Change, and Risk Management
Value Creation by Sustainable Manufacturing
Green and Lean Supply Chains, Logistics, and Procurement
End-of-Life Management and Reverse Logistics
Manufacturing Paradigms (FMS/RMS, Lean, Agile, etc.)
Manufacturing Education and Training
Modelling and Simulation
Production Planning and Scheduling
Social Media in Manufacturing
The Internet-of-Things in Manufacturing
Multi-Level Measurement and Metrics
Social Aspects, Health, and Safety in Manufacturing
Services Science, Management, and Engineering
Integrated Product and Production Development
Product Design/Design for Manufacture/Assembly
Design for X
Modular and Configurable Structures and Development Processes
Product Development, Rapid Prototyping, Concurrent Engineering
Value Creation for Customers and Stakeholders
More Topics, please visit at http://www.icima.org/Topics.html
1. Full Paper (Publication and Presentation)
2. Abstract (Presentation Only)
Electronic Submission System: http://www.zmeeting.org/submission/icima2024
Any question, please contact: icimayoung.ac.cn
More details about submission, please visit at http://www.icima.org/Submission.html
★Contact Us★
Ms. Leah Liu
Email: icimayoung.ac.cn (working day - 10:00-18:00)
Tel: +86-19130670943