
Greetings to all participants of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Life Science and Biological Engineering! We are honored to convene experts, researchers, and enthusiasts in the pursuit of knowledge and innovation under the theme "Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Life Science." This conference serves as a collaborative platform for the exchange of ideas, insights, and research findings that contribute to our understanding of biodiversity and the holistic health of ecosystems. Together, let us explore the multifaceted dimensions of life science and biological engineering in fostering sustainable coexistence with our natural environment. For any questions and inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us by email :

Call For Papers

Special Session - Energy & Sustainability

●Alternative Energy●Agriculture Technology●Clean Technologies●Eco-Technology●Environmental Sustainability●Environmental & Climate Science●Environmental Systems Approach●Green Organic Synthesis Routes●Renewable Sources of Energy●The Challenge of Sustainability

Biological Engineering

●Bioinformatics & Computational Biology●Biological Systems and Models●Bioelectrical & Neural Engineering●Biomechanics & Bio-Transport●Biomedical Robotics & Mechanics●Biometric & Bio-Measurement●Bio-Signal Processing & Analysis●Computational Evolutionary Biology●Cell-free Synthetic Biology●Rehabilitation & Clinical Engineering


●Adult Nursing●Child Nursing●Elderly Care Nursing●Mental Health Nursing●Midwifery Nursing●Nursing about Pain Management●Nursing on Obstetrics●Nursing Careers●Primary Healthcare Nursing●Women's Health Nursing

Health Care

●Adolescent Health Issues●Alcohol and Alcoholism●Cancer Prevention●Elder Abuse●Geriatric Assessment●Health and Spirituality●Herbal Remedies●Mental Health/Mental Illness●Second-Hand Smoke●Stroke: Prevention and Treatment

Life Sciences

●Botany Microbiology●Biomedical Ultrasonic Immunology●Bacteriology Developmental Biology●Biochemistry & Biophysics Genetics●Biomechanics of the Human Genetics●Cell Biology●Developmental Biology●Human Genetics●Neurobiology Plant Science●Structural Biology Veterinary Sciences