
With great pleasure, I welcome you to the International Neuromodulation Society's 16th Scientific World Congress. We are truly blessed to hold it in the beautiful city of Vancouver with its majestic backdrop of mountains framed by the water and populated by some of the nicest and friendliest people on the planet. This Congress is going to be a fantastic opportunity to access the latest in neuromodulation research as well as catch up with old friends and make new ones. Congresses like this serve an indelible purpose of filling the trough of knowledge and invigorating the intellectual mind, in a compact meeting format. Our theme for this Congress is Neuromodulation: Harnessing the Power of the Nervous System. It aptly refers to the potential that exists to reduce disease and improve the human condition when the nervous system can be guided to be a partner in therapeutic delivery. As basic science further unravels the power and complexity of the system, this allows refinement of our neuromodulation therapies and our aspirations of what can be achieved.

Call For Papers

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