
It’s our great privilege to welcome academic researchers and renowned scientists from across the world to our “6th International Conference on Healthcare and Digital Health” planned to be organized on March 9-11, 2023, in Dubai, UAE. Digital Health 2023 congress will accentuate the discussion around the theme of “Reimagining the Future of Healthcare through Digital Health” it covers protracted achievements in the field of digital healthcare which enables an opportunity for experts from education, big data analytics, business, venture capital, and other fields to confront the most difficult healthcare challenges and explore healthcare innovative alternatives.

Call For Papers

The Digital Health 2023 Conference offers opportunities for many academics and industry professionals to learn from one another about breakthrough research approaches in digital healthcare.


The conference provides an opportunity for specialists in digital healthcare to communicate and discuss new areas of endeavor, and explore new methodologies and applications for digital healthcare, as well as numerous possibilities to meet specialists in the field.


Target audiences:

The conference's goal is to create a venue for academics, healthcare professionals, and industry start-ups to collaborate. Submissions are encouraged from a diverse range of public safety actors, including:


  • Public health experts
  • Epidemiologists clinicians
  • National and international public Health Agencies
  • Epidemic intelligence systems providers
  • 3D Printing Tissue Specialist
  • NGOs and Agencies
  • Industry, and startups
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Blockchain Specialists
  • Big Data Scientists
  • Bio-Medical Technologists
  • Clinical Data Managers/Associates
  • Bioinformatics and Digital Health Specialists
  • Computer scientists
  • Biomedical Engineers
  • Healthcare researchers