
The main purpose of ICET2019 is to provide an international platform for presenting and publishing the latest scientific research related to the topics Conference.Papers will be published in conference proceedings(ISBN),indexed Ei Compendex, Scopus

Call For Papers

Our Vision

“Changing the Research Culture for Better”

Our Mission

“Making knowledge transfer easier by establishing the research fraternity, promoting decision-making in the corporate sector and improving quality decisions for policy-makers by holding academic conferences.”

Our Story

The International Avicence Academy, since the foundation in 2010, has outperformed the industry in the field of holding local conferences. The academy has an honorable history of holding and organizing more than 95 conferences at local and international levels encompassing a network of participants from 145 countries. Consistent with the advent of academic conferences, the academy benefitting from academic researchers, professionals, government officials, industry experts and prestigious universities has been highly successful in setting standards in reaching knowledge platforms, providing the background for issues to be addressed and therefore achieving the best solutions.