
2025 International Conference on Digital Education and Information Technology (DEIT 2025) will be held from February 21 to 23, 2025, in Nanjing, Jiangsu. The conference will bring together global leading scholars, researchers, education experts, and industry practitioners to discuss the latest trends and applications in digital education and information technology. The conference will cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to online education, the application of artificial intelligence in education, educational big data analysis, virtual reality and augmented reality technologies, smart classrooms, and shared educational resources. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, paper presentations, and interactive sessions, attendees will have the opportunity to share the latest research findings, explore industry foresight, and establish extensive international cooperation. Experts and scholars in the field of education and information technology worldwide are cordially invited to participate in this conference, jointly promoting innovation and development in digital education. We look forward to your participation to embrace a promising future of education informatization.

Call For Papers


1. The submitted papers must not be under consideration elsewhere.

2. Please send the full paper (word+pdf) to Submission System.

Submission System (Chinese)     Submission System  (English)

3. Please submit the full paper, if presentation and publication are both needed.

4. Please submit the abstract only, if you just want to make presentations.

5. Templates Download.   Download

6. Should you have any questions, or you need any materials in English, please contact us.

Call For Papers

Track 1: Educational Technologies and Systems

▪ E-learning platforms and tools

▪ Computer-supported collaborative learning

▪ Mobile and ubiquitous learning

▪ Game-based learning

▪ Virtual and augmented reality in education

▪ Adaptive learning systems

▪ Educational robotics and automation

▪ Emerging technologies in education

Track 2: Computer-supported Collaborative Learning and Social Computing

▪ Collaborative learning theories and models

▪ Social computing and learning

▪ Online communities and networks in education

▪ Social media in education

▪ Collaborative technologies in education

▪ Computer-supported argumentation and debate

Track 3: Artificial Intelligence in Education

▪ Intelligent tutoring systems

▪ Natural language processing in education

▪ Knowledge representation and reasoning in education

▪ Intelligent educational systems and applications

▪ Smart learning environments

▪ Cognitive modelling and educational implications

Track 4: STEM Education and Computational Thinking

▪ STEM education and pedagogy

▪ Computational thinking and coding education

▪ Robotics and automation in STEM education

▪ Computational modeling and simulation in education

▪ Educational applications of Internet of Things

▪ Digital fabrication and maker education

Track 5: Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics

▪ Data-driven approaches to education

▪ Learning analytics and visualization

▪ Educational data mining and machine learning

▪ Big data in education

▪ Personalized learning

▪ Educational decision making

▪ Assessment and evaluation in e-learning

Track 6: Innovative Technologies for Teaching and Learning

▪ Wearable technology in education

▪ Gamification and game-based learning

▪ Personalized and adaptive learning

▪ Cloud computing in education

▪ Mobile learning and ubiquitous computing

▪ Immersive learning environments


Day 1- February 21, 2025   13:00-17:00 Registration

Day 2- February 22, 2025   09:00-12:00 Speeches of Keynote Speakers

                                            12:00-14:00 Lunch

                                            14:00-17:30 Oral Presentations

                                            18:00-19:30 Banquet

Day 3- February 23, 2025   09:00-18:00 Academic Discussion

Contact us

Tel: +86-13502443374 (WeChat)


QQ: 744887019

The Secretary office of  DEIT 2025 will collect contributions and finish daily organizing work. 

All paper review process will be completed by Program Committee Member and invited experts.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.