Track 1: Computer Networks and Protocols
Network protocols
Network services
QoS and multimedia networking
Track 2: Wireless System Architectures
Mobility, location, and handoff management
Mobile and wireless IP
Wireless multicasting, routing
Track 3: Security, Authentication, and Cryptography
Social networks and cybersecurity
Wireless network security and privacy
Track 4: Challenges in Internet of Things
Network design and performance evaluation
Mesh, relay, sensor and ad hoc networks
High performance computing
For details about topics, please visit: http://www.iccnt.org/cfp.html
Full Paper / Abstract:
Submission Link: https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/ICCNT2025
Submission Email: iccntoutlook.com
More details about submission, please visit: http://www.iccnt.org/sub.html
Sia Liu (Conference Secretary)
E-mail: iccntoutlook.com