
★ Publication★ all accepted papers after proper registration and presentation will be published into a volume of CVIT2025 Proceedings, which will be sent to Ei Compendex, Scopus for index.

Call For Papers

★Call for paper★

#Computer Vision and Image Processing#

Action and Event Recognition

Face and Gesture Recognition

Illumination and Reflectance Modeling

Image and Video Retrieval

Image Enhancement

Applications of Machine Vision

Artificial Intelligence for Machine Vision

Calibration and Geometry

#Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition#

Feature Selection

Dimensionality Reduction

Manifold Learning

Information Retrieval

Invariance in Recognition

Information Retrieval

Recognition (2D and 3D)

#Information Theory and Information Processing#

Detection and imaging system

Intelligent Information Processing

Natural language processing

Network Communication Theory and Technology

Remote sensing information acquisition and processing

Sensing information extraction and processing

Signal Processing

Source coding and channel coding

For details about topics, please visit at


1. Full paper(publication and presentation)

2. Abstract (presentation only)

There are two methods for submitting your paper:

1. By Electronic Submission System:

2. By our contact email:

More detail about submission, please visit at


Ms. Jenna Rink (Conference Secretary)

Emil :

Telephone: + 86 18081079313 (Working hour: GMT+8 10:00 am to 5:30 pm)