★Call for papers★
★5th Generation Networks (5G)
Resource Allocation
Network Slicing
Topology Management
5G Core Network and Service Based Architecture
C-RAN and backhaul
Network Stability, Control and Optimization
Wireless transmission and networking technology
★Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI Technologies
Game Theory
Machine and Deep Learning of Knowledge
Bio-inspired Computing in Communications
Data Science and Data Engineering
Computing applications
Big Data, Data Mining and Database Applications
Peer-to-Peer Computing
★Computer network and mobile communication
Cognitive Radio Networking
Wireless, Cellular, and Mobile Communications
Signal Processing for Communications
Advances in Internet Protocols
Real Time Communication Services
Network Design, Optimization and Management
Fault-Tolerance and Error Recovery
Communications Services and Management
For details about topics, please visit: http://ccce.net/cfp.html
1. Full paper(publication and presentation)
2. Abstract (presentation)
Electronic Submission System (.pdf)
http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/ccce2025 or send it directly to conference email: ccce_confoutlook.com
More detail about submission, please visit: https://ccce.net/sub.html
Ms. Nina Lee
Webtsite: http://www.ccce.net/
Email: ccce_confoutlook.com
Tel: +86-19382255134