
Welcome to the 5th International Conference on Gender and Sexuality 2022, which will be held on the 13th and 14th of October 2022. The International Conference on Gender and Sexuality provides participants with an enriching opportunity to deepen knowledge of the field as well as its theoretical, policy, and personal dimensions globally, engaging with intersecting fields and the many disciplines that comprise Gender and Sexuality – all towards building collaborative partnerships, providing publishing opportunities, and enacting visions of a more equitable world. We hope that Gender Studies 2022 will bring together diverse research and case studies from around the world in parallel sessions, while also providing numerous networking and publishing opportunities.

Call For Papers

Gender/Sexuality in Social work

Feminist studies on Gender and/or sexuality

Gender/Sexuality and rights

Gender/Sexuality and legal systems

Gender/Sexuality, Power and Development

Civil Society and Gender/Sexuality rights

Gender and conflict, violence, security and peace building

Gender Relations

Religion and Gender/Sexuality

Persecution and exclusion of Non-conforming people

Gender/Sexuality and Ageing

Gender/ Sexuality and Economy

Gender/Sexuality and disability

Gender/ Sexuality in Art, Culture, Literature and Media Studies

Gender/Sexuality Education

Male Body Image

Gender/Sexuality Discrimination

Gender based violence

Sexual orientation

Gender/Sexuality and Political participation

Socio-Cultural conditions that impinge on Gender/Sexuality

Sociology of Gender/Sexuality

Gender, Sexuality and Society

Gender/Sexuality and Health

Gender/Sexuality in the workplace

Gender/Sexuality and refugees/displaced people

Gender/Sexuality and Technology